“Exercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today”
- Wendy Suzuki professor at the New York University Centre for Neural Science
Join this Sunday's Serotonin Swim - Sunday 12th May anytime 9.30am - 11am
The lido is getting warmer. Around 15 degrees. This is a brilliant temperature as it will initially feel cold and refreshing, however, it is also warm enough for us to swim and feel a sense of achievement.
Remember the aim of each Serotonin Swim is 1 length. That’s your goal. Any more than this is a superb effort. Hold in mind 1 length is enough to release feel good hormones. Check out Di’s photo at the foot of this page, all the inspiration anyone needs.
A cold water swim helps us;
regulate emotions
calm thoughts
get perspective
recharge cognitive energy
We feel better and it’s easier to get stuff done afterwards.
To celebrate your commitment everyone who swims 1 length or more will receive a sticker of recognition and edible treat.
Swimsuit or more, it’s your choice. Skins (swimsuit only), gloves, boots, wetsuit. Do what works for you. You know your body best.
Invite one person to swim with you and support Mental Health Awareness Week - see below. An invitation is a small act of kindness that can mean a lot.
First time? - See key points below my signature
Massive thank you to the friends of Jesus Green Lido and all the volunteers who did sterling work during repair month - thank you, your effort has made a massive difference!
Science is on our side
Swimming in nature: A scoping review of the mental health and wellbeing benefits of open water swimming here
Mental Health Awareness Week - starts 13th May
How do Cygnets learn how to survive? Where to swim, how to hunt for food or find a safe place to sleep?
The adult swans don’t tell them what to do they show them how. Cygnets learn by imitating the older swans.
Humans are a tribal species who learn by imitation more than we realise. Let’s hold this in mind for next weeks Mental Health Awareness Week 13th - 17th May and the theme ‘Movement: Moving more for our mental health”.
When we do something that is good for us and other people hear about it, it inspires them to do something good for them. We provide ‘cultural permission’.
Remember that time you felt really stressed or overwhelmed and you knew you needed a break, only you didn’t feel able to let yourself take a break?
That’s the moment you most need a proper break! That’s the sign.
Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to invite someone to the lido this Sunday. To help them understand that quality breaks are essential for peace of mind and resilience.
That a break isn’t a guilty pleasure, a nice to have, it’s vital for our quality of life and our mental performance.
It’s ok if they don’t come, your invite lets them know that they are not alone, that someone cares. We all know how special that can feel when times are tough.
"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you."
- Anne Lamott
You are a good person, doing your best. That’s enough.
P.S - if you can’t make it to the lido, invite them for a walk by the river, a session at the gym, yoga class or parkrun. Every form of movement makes a valuable difference.
P.P.S - join me at the West Hub on 17th May for my session Habits for Difficult Thoughts & Anxiety, everyone is welcome - book here (then scroll to bottom of page)
First Serotonin Swim?
Please book your swim via the Better site here (they manage the pool). This makes it much quicker to get in on the day.
The below applies if water temperature is below 10 degrees. This Sunday the water temperature will be around 16 degrees.
Click here for Jesus Green Lido community survey data on how to adjust to cool water swimming
BBC Science here - Why an icy dip is good for your mental and physical health
Article here - Neoprene and afterdrop: how to keep swimming outside this winter
BBC Just one thing - benefits of swimming here
This Sunday the lido will feel a bit like this. How good is that?
Thank You Di! One of the regular morning swimmers, for this inspirational photo from last week.