The next Serotonin Swims will be;
Sunday 3rd November 9 - 11am - special card for each swim
Sunday 17th November 9 - 11am - book launch! More info to follow
But don't wait until then, tomorrow is going to be a beautiful morning at the lido.
I can't wait for that liminal autumnal sunshine tomorrow morning. And then the healing heat of the sauna!
You can still submit your serotonin swims even when it's not an official serotonin swim.
Update tomorrows swim here
Or scan the QR code that's on the noticeboard, overlooking the pool, under the little shelter by the women's changing rooms.
Benefits? See this 2 minute Michael Mosley cold water swimming clip here
Last week I had a tough day at work and then went to the lido. I experienced these benefits in this order;
Just knowing I was going to the lido helped me feel better
Looking at the bright yellow leaves on the way
Bumping into someone in the queue who said “I've had such a hard day, I just needed to get here”
Getting into the water and returning completely into the present moment
Getting out after 4 lengths feeling refreshed and alive
And then a lovely conversation with someone in the changing rooms - I’m always amazed that one conversation with someone we hardly know can be enough to help us feel connected to others
And that's just 1 swim!
“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.” - Byron
From my swim on Thursday;