I hope you had some lovely moments over the summer.
“Everything just feels better afterwards” - Emma, Cam Uni Postgrad
When is the next Serotonin Swim?
First one of the season is Sunday 8th October 9am - 11am.
Rules are simple: come down to Jesus Green Lido, swim 1 length or more and earn a mini reward.
Recap of our aims:
Help more people experience the incredible benefits of cool water swimming proven by science; improved memory, enhanced mood, stress reduction & more
Be around the warm, kind hearted community of Jesus Green Lido (Even the BBC agrees), it’s hard to overstate how much we all need this, we are a triable species who live more separate lives than ever before
Give people recognition for making the effort, during the week a lot of our effort goes unrecognised, recognition improves self worth
What’s NEW for this autumn?
We are doing loyalty cards and stamps - and yes prizes!
We will be doing more Sundays - not every Sunday, but more
I’ll be inviting volunteers to help me for 30 min’s each Serotonin Swim, details to follow next week
We will be doing more research into your experiences - this community has a lot of valuable knowledge to share, our aim is to help harness it to support each other
Know someone who could benefit from lifting their mood and feeling a boost of confidence? - Send them this post, they can register for Serotonin Swim here.
Share with your organisation, college, friends, family and neighbours!
Recap From Last Season + Tips For Autumn
92 was our biggest Sunday, 34 the smallest (freezing March!)
Click here for Jesus Green Lido community survey data on how to adjust to cool water swimming
BBC Science here - Why an icy dip is good for your mental and physical health
Article here - Neoprene and afterdrop: how to keep swimming outside this winter
BBC Just one thing - benefits of swimming here
“It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There’s almost no such thing as ready. There’s only now. And you may as well do it now. I mean, I say that confidently as if I’m about to go bungee jumping or something — I’m not. I’m not a crazed risk taker. But I do think that, generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.”
–Hugh Laurie