Thanks for a brilliant turn out on Sunday, 54 Serotonin Swimmers at 8 degrees.
Don't panic if you couldn’t make it, the next one is next weekend Sunday 26th NOV - reminder will go out next Friday.
But why wait? I’m swimming this Sunday and it would be great to see you there!
Did you see the ice baths show on radio 4?
Here are some views from Prof Mike Tipton who has been studying cold water immersion for over 30 years! You can listen here. Mike’s views in bold.
You don't need to be in for longer than 3 mins to get most of the benefits. One length is enough. However, there are a whole host of additional benefits from swimming in any temperature.
The number 1 reported benefit of cold water immersion is for mental wellbeing. Depression and cardiovascular diseases are linked with increased inflammation. Cold water immersion triggers an anti-inflammatory response in the body that increases serotonin levels and reduces inflammation.
One of the most consistent outcomes of cold water immersion is improvements in sleep. Various hypotheses about how or why this happens.
The ‘sweet spot’ for cold water immersion is 10 - 15 degrees. Cold water exposure below that temp has few additional benefits apart from those covered above. (Again swimming has its own list of exceptional benefits as a stand alone exercise).
Trust your own data. Do your own experiments. Do what feels good for you. If in doubt you only need to do a very quick dip to get most of the benefits.
Maths to explain benefits of cold water swims
Please find below lido regularly Aleks brilliant summary of how maths can explain the benefits of cold water swimming.
I originally asked Aleks this question because I was curious if it was possible to sum up the benefits in a really succinct way.
Yes is the answer! Please see below. Infinity is not real!
What are your top tips to adjust to cold water swimming?
Next week its time for the Cold Water Rituals survey. Your thoughts and recommendations matter. To follow next week.
“Rest and be kind, you don’t have to prove anything.” - Jack Kerouac
Do what you can and know that it’s enough.
First Serotonin Swim?
Please book your swim via the Better site here (they manage the pool). This makes it much quicker to get in on the day.
Click here for Jesus Green Lido community survey data on how to adjust to cool water swimming
BBC Science here - Why an icy dip is good for your mental and physical health
Article here - Neoprene and afterdrop: how to keep swimming outside this winter
BBC Just one thing - benefits of swimming here
Maths to Explain Benefits of Cold Water Swimming
Many of us will use swimming as a way to lift our mood. Its an excellent way to help us return to the present and get perspective. A superb tool to strengthen our resilience.
When we feel low, sad, angry, depressed, anxious, lonely, life can feel like a Tan line.
A Tan line goes on for infinity. We can feel like things wont get better, that there is no way through what we are experiencing. We can feel like there is little or no hope change is possible.
First insight from maths; infinity is not a real number! It can feel real but its not.
To help us recognise this we combine two negatives to make a positive.
Feel low + discomfort of cold water swim = positive outcome in mood.
Two negatives really do make a positive!
After our swim we begin to remember that life is actually a Sine line.
There are many ups and downs. Good days and bad days.
Knowing this reassures us that its ok not to feel good all the time (no one does) and when we feel low that its temporary, things will improve at some point. A cold water swim is an effective way to speed up this process and lift our sprints.
If you’re feeling low, depressed, sad, stressed, lonely remember it feels like it will go on forever like a tan line but it wont. It will change at some point. Like a Sine line.
Thank you Aleks! - any errors are all mine