“Here, on the edge of what we know, in contact with the ocean of the unknown, shines the mystery and beauty of the world. And it’s breathtaking.” - Carlo Rovelli, Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Join this Sunday's Serotonin Swim - anytime 9am - 11am
It's cold but truly life affirming.
To celebrate your commitment everyone who swims half a length or more will receive a Thank You card with gold star and edible treat. Recognition for an excellent achievement!
Adjust for the colder water. For perspective, up until last week I was swimming 10 lengths in a wetsuit. Others have been swimming 1km in skins.
This Sunday I’ll be swimming half a length in skins, then sauna, then jump in, then sauna, then jump in.
Please take it easy and do what works for you. When the water is less than 5c Just getting in is a superb achievement!
The good news is that, compared to the week we’ve just had, Sunday will be a balmy air temperature of 12 degrees!
First time? - See key points below my signature
Lovely Updates
Tips on swimming in the cold from Evie the lifeguard here, who swam the channel this summer!
When will they, will they, be famous? (reworking this song). The answer is NOW!
See lido goers and Serotonin Swimmers on ITV here. From 19 mins in.
After my swim on Tuesday I said to hello to someone I hadn't met before.
We chatted about how our swims made us feel (amazing/ mood lifting). We talked about what we had planned later on. We wished each other well and went on with our day.
Seems like an inconsequential story? Far from it, it’s everything. When you meet someone at the lido there already exists a bond between you. You are connected in some way. We don't judge each other on clothes, job or status. We are just people swimming. People doing something that helps us see the wood for the trees. Immersing ourselves in something that helps us feel alive. Reassuring us that some things are ok. During a tough week these moments are like gold dust.
You are a good person, doing your best. That’s enough.
First Serotonin Swim?
Please book your swim via the Better site here (they manage the pool). This makes it much quicker to get in on the day.
Click here for Jesus Green Lido community survey data on how to adjust to cool water swimming
BBC Science here - Why an icy dip is good for your mental and physical health
Article here - Neoprene and afterdrop: how to keep swimming outside this winter
BBC Just one thing - benefits of swimming here
This Sunday the lido will feel a bit like this.